When I realised that all the books I had ever read on advertising were all written by and primarily about men, I started writing another history – Herstory. The result is a coecion of previously untold stories with advice from some of the world’s most successful women within advertising, communication and design, women I wish I had met much earlier on in my career, as I am a firm believer of role models. Read their stories and how they handled and managed the challenges they came across in during their careers - Shelly Lazarus, USA, Stefanie Wurst, Germany, Kat Gordon, USA, Nunu Ntsingila, South Africa, Susan Hoffman, USA, Nina Åkestam, Sweden, Cilla Snowball, UK, Rahkshin Patel, India, Mary Wells Lawrence, USA, Anna Qvennerstedt, Sweden, Margaret Key, South Korea, Catrin Vagnemark, Sweden and Jean Grow, USA. My book is a gift to the younger generation of women entering the industry. I want to create a positive development which will bring more opportunities to our industry. More diversity and a better gender balance is something everyone will benefit from, the ad industry as such as well as our clients and all consumers.

The book has been extremely well received worldwide and led to lectures all over Sweden, in the UK and the US, as well as in Berlin, Milan and Mexico city. In March, 2021, the book had soldout and was re-launched in a second edition, featuring three new 'Mad Women'; namely Shanteka Sigers from the US, Joanna Wong from China and Marianna Ghirlanda from Italy. The book will also be launced as an e-book and an audio book in the spring of 2021.



In 2018, it was time to launch my second book, NOT BUYING IT. The book is a result of my growing experience of there needing to be more hands-on solutions, now that we have identified and discussed the problem, not least through the amazing #metoo-movement. In other words, this book is more of a guide with real advice and tips on how to deal with everything from claiming and making space, mansplaining, sexual harrasment, negotiating pay and returning to work after parental leave - among many other things.

You can book me as a lecturer by mailing me at christina@uknight.se

Title: Mad Women - A Herstory of Advertising
Author: Christina Knight Design: Helena Thorsell
Published by Komm (The Swedish Association of Communication Agencies)
Editor: Marie Tomicic
Language: English
Pages: approx. 250
Date: 8 March 2013
Publisher: OLIKA förlag AB

Title: Not Buying It - A Guide to a New Era of Advertising
Author: Christina Knight Design: Emeli Svensson
Editor: Marie Tomicic
Language: English
Pages: approx. 230
Date: 30 May 2018
Publisher: OLIKA förlag AB